
Optimization of Coastal High-Accuracy Bathymetry Monitoring Campaigns by the Analysis of Continual Radar Observations


Morphodynamical processes in coastal waters are induced by sea state and currents. Vice versa the hydrodynamic regime is influenced by the actual bathymetry. Spatio-temporal changes in the bathymetry can be detected by the analysis of continually acquired radar image sequences showing the roughness of the sea surface. The analysis of the image sequences is performed using a wavelet edge detection algorithm. Ship campaigns for coastal bathymetry monitoring, e.g. with multibeam echo sounders are time consuming and expensive. Therefore a strategy is proposed to use the a priori information on the spatio-temporal bathymetry variations retrieved from the radar image sequences as a warning indicator. This indicator can be utilized to optimize the performance of high-accuracy ship measurement campaigns, focusing on the detection and observation of those regions which show high morphodynamical activity. The presented concept is of interest in order to monitor harbour entrances, estuaries, or endangered coastal sectors.
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