@misc{kim_solvent_reactivity_2023, author={Kim, H., Hoeche, D., Kramer, D., Deng, M., Wuerger, T., Zheludkevich, M.}, title={Solvent reactivity depending on the electrolyte species at Mg-based alloy anodes interface}, year={2023}, howpublished = {conference poster: Paris (FRA);}, note = {Kim, H.; Hoeche, D.; Kramer, D.; Deng, M.; Wuerger, T.; Zheludkevich, M.: Solvent reactivity depending on the electrolyte species at Mg-based alloy anodes interface. In: CECAM-Psi-K Young Researcher' School on Theory and Simulation in Electrochemical Conversion Processes. Paris (FRA). 2023.}}