%0 journal article %@ 1742-6588 %A Schöps, A., Vagin, P., Keil, J., Tischer, M. %D 2022 %J Journal of Physics: Conference Series %P 012021 %R doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012021 %T Commissioning experience with two in-vacuum undulators at PETRA III %U https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012021 %X In 2018 the high energy X-ray beamlines P07 and P21b at DESY's storage ring PETRA III received new undulators. The two identical devices were built by an industry collaboration of Research Instruments GmbH and Kyma S.p.A. according to DESY's specifications. They have a magnetic length of 4 m, a period length of 21.2 mm and a deflection parameter K of 1.41 at a gap of 7.0 mm. We report about experience during magnet tuning, the final acceptance measurements and the commissioning in the accelerator tunnel.