%0 journal article %@ 2047-9980 %A Braemswig, T.B., Kusserow, M., Bellmann, B., Beckhoff, F., Reinthaler, M., von Rennenberg, R., Erdur, H., Scheitz, J.F., Galinovic, I., Villringer, K., Leistner, D.M., Audebert, H.J., Endres, M., Landmesser, U., Haeusler, K.G., Fiebach, J.B., Lauten, A., Rillig, A., Nolte, C.H. %D 2023 %J Journal of the American Heart Association %N 3 %P e8189 %R doi:10.1161/JAHA.122.027284 %T New Cerebral Microbleeds After Catheter‐Based Structural Heart Interventions: An Exploratory Analysis %U https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.122.027284 3 %X New CMBs occur in approximately one‐third of patients after catheter‐based left atrial appendage closure and percutaneous mitral valve repair using the MitraClip System. Our data suggest that longer duration of the procedure may be a risk factor for new CMBs. Future studies in larger populations are needed to further investigate their clinical relevance.