@misc{fink_potential_impact_2023, author={Fink, L., Karl, M., Matthias, V., Oppo, S., Kranenburg, R., Kuenen, J., Moldanova, J., Jutterström, S., Jalkanen, J., Majamäki, E.}, title={Potential impact of shipping on air pollution in the Mediterranean region – a multimodel evaluation: comparison of photooxidants NO2 and O3}, year={2023}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-1825-2023}, abstract = {The model results differ regarding the time series and pattern but are similar concerning the overall underestimation of NO2 and overestimation of O3. The potential impact from ships on the total NO2 concentration was especially high on the main shipping routes and in coastal regions (25 % to 85 %). The potential impact from ships on the total O3 concentration was lowest in regions with the highest NO2 impact (down to −20%). CAMx and CHIMERE simulated the highest potential impacts of ships on the NO2 and O3 air concentrations. Additionally, the strongest correlation was found between CAMx and CHIMERE, which can be traced back to the use of the same meteorological input data. The other models used different meteorological input due to their standard setup. The CMAQ-, EMEP- and LOTOS-EUROS-simulated values were within one range for the NO2 and O3 air concentrations. Regarding simulated deposition, larger differences between the models were found when compared to air concentration. These uncertainties and deviations between models are caused by deposition mechanisms, which are unique within each model. A reliable output from models simulating ships' potential impacts can be expected for air concentrations of NO2 and O3.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-1825-2023} (DOI). Fink, L.; Karl, M.; Matthias, V.; Oppo, S.; Kranenburg, R.; Kuenen, J.; Moldanova, J.; Jutterström, S.; Jalkanen, J.; Majamäki, E.: Potential impact of shipping on air pollution in the Mediterranean region – a multimodel evaluation: comparison of photooxidants NO2 and O3. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2023. vol. 23, no. 3, 1825-1862. DOI: 10.5194/acp-23-1825-2023}}