@misc{joerss_pfas_explorer_2022, author={Joerss, H., Lange, M., Takyar, H., Baldewein, L., Ebinghaus, R.}, title={PFAS explorer}, year={2022}, howpublished = {Other: online contribution}, abstract = {The PFAS Explorer has been developed in the context and is part of the Coastal Pollution Toolbox (URL: https://www.coastalpollutiontoolbox.org), a knowledge hub, digital working environment and tool set to study contaminant, nutrient and carbon dynamics in temperate and polar coastal zones.}, note = {Joerss, H.; Lange, M.; Takyar, H.; Baldewein, L.; Ebinghaus, R.: PFAS explorer. Coastal Pollution Toolbox. 2022.}}