@misc{snihirova_electrolyte_additives_2022, author={Snihirova, D., Wang, L., Deng, M., Vaghefinazari, B., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M.}, title={Electrolyte additives as effective way to improve aqueous Mg-air battery performance}, year={2022}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Warsaw (POL);}, note = {Snihirova, D.; Wang, L.; Deng, M.; Vaghefinazari, B.; Höche, D.; Lamaka, S.; Zheludkevich, M.: Electrolyte additives as effective way to improve aqueous Mg-air battery performance. Fall meeting European Materials Research Society. Warsaw (POL), 2022.}}