%0 journal article %@ 0003-6951 %A Ren, Z., Cornelius, T., Leclere, C., Davydok, A., Micha, J., Robach, O., Richter, G., Thomas, O. %D 2020 %J Applied Physics Letters %N 24 %P 243101 %R doi:10.1063/5.0012816 %T First stages of plasticity in three-point bent Au nanowires detected by in situ Laue microdiffraction %U https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0012816 24 %X The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the French National Research Agency through Project No. ANR-11-BS10-0014 MecaniX. They further thank the French CRG program committee for the allocated beamtime at the BM32 beamline at ESRF and L. Belliard at INSP in Paris (France) for providing the Si micro-trenches.