@misc{tart_market_demand_2020, author={Tart, S., Groth, M., Seipold, P.}, title={Market demand for climate services: An assessment of users’ needs}, year={2020}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2019.100109}, abstract = {Analysis shows that users have a greater need for either past climate data or data analysis that falls within the next year, meaning they are less interested in long-term data with higher uncertainties. Moreover, while climate services hold great potential and offer huge societal benefits, their presence is not always easy to find outside of research purposes. Policies and regulations can fill this gap and be a strong purchase driver for climate services, as can the development of climate services that help companies achieve their corporate social responsibility and sustainability goals.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2019.100109} (DOI). Tart, S.; Groth, M.; Seipold, P.: Market demand for climate services: An assessment of users’ needs. Climate Services. 2020. vol. 17, 100109. DOI: 10.1016/j.cliser.2019.100109}}