@misc{le_efficient_synthesis_2019, author={Le, T., Pistidda, C., Puszkiel, J., Milanese, C., Garroni, S., Emmler, T., Capurso, G., Gizer, G., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.}, title={Efficient Synthesis of Alkali Borohydrides from Mechanochemical Reduction of Borates Using Magnesium–Aluminum-Based Waste}, year={2019}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.3390/met9101061}, abstract = {Lithium borohydride (LiBH4) and sodium borohydride (NaBH4) were synthesized via mechanical milling of LiBO2, and NaBO2 with Mg–Al-based waste under controlled gaseous atmosphere conditions. Following this approach, the results herein presented indicate that LiBH4 and NaBH4 can be formed with a high conversion yield starting from the anhydrous borates under 70 bar H2. Interestingly, NaBH4 can also be obtained with a high conversion yield by milling NaBO2·4H2O and Mg–Al-based waste under an argon atmosphere. Under optimized molar ratios of the starting materials and milling parameters, NaBH4 and LiBH4 were obtained with conversion ratios higher than 99.5%. Based on the collected experimental results, the influence of the milling energy and the correlation with the final yields were also discussed.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.3390/met9101061} (DOI). Le, T.; Pistidda, C.; Puszkiel, J.; Milanese, C.; Garroni, S.; Emmler, T.; Capurso, G.; Gizer, G.; Klassen, T.; Dornheim, M.: Efficient Synthesis of Alkali Borohydrides from Mechanochemical Reduction of Borates Using Magnesium–Aluminum-Based Waste. Metals. 2019. vol. 9, no. 10, 1061. DOI: 10.3390/met9101061}}