@misc{bellostavoncolbe_application_of_2019, author={Bellosta von Colbe, J., Ares, J.-R., Barale, J., Baricco, M., Buckley, C., Capurso, G., Gallandat, N., Grant, D.M., Guzik, M.N., Jacob, I., Jensen, E.H., Jensen, T., Jepsen, J., Klassen, T., Lototskyy, M.V., Manickam, K., Montone, A., Puszkiel, J., Sartori, S., Sheppard, D.A., Stuart, A., Walker, G., Webb, C.J., Yang, H., Yartys, V., Zuettel, A., Dornheim, M.}, title={Application of hydrides in hydrogen storage and compression: Achievements, outlook and perspectives}, year={2019}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.01.104}, abstract = {In the frame of the “Hydrogen Storage Systems for Mobile and Stationary Applications” Group in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Task 32 “Hydrogen-based energy storage”, different compounds have been and will be scaled-up in the near future and tested in the range of 500 g to several hundred kg for use in hydrogen storage applications.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.01.104} (DOI). Bellosta von Colbe, J.; Ares, J.; Barale, J.; Baricco, M.; Buckley, C.; Capurso, G.; Gallandat, N.; Grant, D.; Guzik, M.; Jacob, I.; Jensen, E.; Jensen, T.; Jepsen, J.; Klassen, T.; Lototskyy, M.; Manickam, K.; Montone, A.; Puszkiel, J.; Sartori, S.; Sheppard, D.; Stuart, A.; Walker, G.; Webb, C.; Yang, H.; Yartys, V.; Zuettel, A.; Dornheim, M.: Application of hydrides in hydrogen storage and compression: Achievements, outlook and perspectives. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019. vol. 44, no. 15, 7780-DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.01.104}}