@misc{jung_improved_in_2019, author={Jung, O.,Smeets, R.,Hartjen, P.,Schnettler, R.,Feyerabend, F.,Klein, M.,Wegner, N.,Walther, F.,Stangier, D.,Henningsen, A.,Redenbach, C.,Heiland, M.,Barbeck, M.,Kopp, A.}, title={Improved In Vitro Test Procedure for Full Assessment of the Cytocompatibility of Degradable Magnesium Based on ISO 10993-5/-12}, year={2019}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20020255}, abstract = {Magnesium (Mg)-based biomaterials are promising candidates for bone and tissue regeneration. Alloying and surface modifications provide effective strategies for optimizing and tailoring their degradation kinetics. Nevertheless, biocompatibility analyses of Mg-based materials are challenging due to its special degradation mechanism with continuous hydrogen release. In this context, the hydrogen release and the related (micro-) milieu conditions pretend to strictly follow in vitro standards based on ISO 10993-5/-12. Thus, special adaptions for the testing of Mg materials are necessary, which have been described in a previous study from our group. Based on these adaptions, further developments of a test procedure allowing rapid and effective in vitro cytocompatibility analyses of Mg-based materials based on ISO 10993-5/-12 are necessary. The following study introduces a new two-step test scheme for rapid and effective testing of Mg. Specimens with different surface characteristics were produced by means of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) using silicate-based and phosphate-based electrolytes. The test samples were evaluated for corrosion behavior, cytocompatibility and their mechanical and osteogenic properties. Thereby, two PEO ceramics could be identified for further in vivo evaluations.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20020255} (DOI). Jung, O.; Smeets, R.; Hartjen, P.; Schnettler, R.; Feyerabend, F.; Klein, M.; Wegner, N.; Walther, F.; Stangier, D.; Henningsen, A.; Redenbach, C.; Heiland, M.; Barbeck, M.; Kopp, A.: Improved In Vitro Test Procedure for Full Assessment of the Cytocompatibility of Degradable Magnesium Based on ISO 10993-5/-12. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019. vol. 20, no. 2, 255. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20020255}}