@misc{meis_improvement_of_2018, author={Meis, D., Tena, A., Neumann, S., Georgopanos, P., Emmler, T., Rangou, S., Shishatskiy, S., Filiz, V., Abetz, V.}, title={Improvement of the gas separation performance in Claisen thermally rearranged (CTR) polymers}, year={2018}, howpublished = {conference poster: Valencia (E);}, note = {Meis, D.; Tena, A.; Neumann, S.; Georgopanos, P.; Emmler, T.; Rangou, S.; Shishatskiy, S.; Filiz, V.; Abetz, V.: Improvement of the gas separation performance in Claisen thermally rearranged (CTR) polymers. In: Euromembrane 2018. Valencia (E). 2018.}}