@misc{wiese_role_of_2015, author={Wiese, B.,Mendis, C.L.,Ovri, H.,Reichel, H.-P.,Lorenz, U.,Kainer, K.U.,Hort, N.}, title={Role of CaO and Cover Gases on Protecting the Cast Surface of Mg}, year={2015}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Jeju (ROK); 11.-16.10.2015}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wiese, B.; Mendis, C.; Ovri, H.; Reichel, H.; Lorenz, U.; Kainer, K.; Hort, N.: Role of CaO and Cover Gases on Protecting the Cast Surface of Mg. 10th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Mg 2015. Jeju (ROK), 2015.}}