@misc{bieser_diagnostic_evalutation_2015, author={Bieser, J., Matthias, V., Travnikov, O., Hedgecock, I.M., Gencarelli, C., De Simone, F., Weigelt, A., Zhu, J}, title={Diagnostic Evalutation of Bromine Reactions on Mercury Chemistry}, year={2015}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Montpellier (F);}, note = {Bieser, J.; Matthias, V.; Travnikov, O.; Hedgecock, I.; Gencarelli, C.; De Simone, F.; Weigelt, A.; Zhu, J.: Diagnostic Evalutation of Bromine Reactions on Mercury Chemistry. 34th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, ITM 2015. Montpellier (F), 2015.}}