@misc{utke_2libh4mgh2_nanoconfined_2016, author={Utke, R., Thiangviriya, S., Javadian, P., jensen, T.R., Milanese, C., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.}, title={2LiBH4–MgH2 nanoconfined into carbon aerogel scaffold impregnated with ZrCl4 for reversible hydrogen storage}, year={2016}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.11.040}, abstract = {Nanoconfinement of 2LiBH4–MgH2 composite into carbon aerogel scaffold (CAS) impregnated with zirconium (IV) chloride (ZrCl4) for reversible hydrogen storage is proposed. Nanoconfined samples prepared with hydride:ZrCl4-doped CAS weight ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 are prepared by melt infiltration technique. Successful nanoconfinement of all samples is confirmed and it is found that the sample with high content of hydride with respect to ZrCl4-doped CAS (1:1 weight ratio) shows partial pore blocking. The most suitable hydride:ZrCl4-doped CAS weight ratio providing the best performance based on dehydrogenation temperature and kinetics as well as hydrogen storage capacity is 1:2. Reduction of dehydrogenation temperature and faster kinetics are obtained after doping with ZrCl4. Up to 97 and 93% of theoretical hydrogen storage capacity are released and reproduced after four cycles of nanoconfined sample with ZrCl4 (1:2 weight ratio). Deficient hydrogen content with respect to theoretical capacity can be due to partial dehydrogenation during melt infiltration and formation of thermally stable [B12H12]2- phases during cycling.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.11.040} (DOI). Utke, R.; Thiangviriya, S.; Javadian, P.; jensen, T.; Milanese, C.; Klassen, T.; Dornheim, M.: 2LiBH4–MgH2 nanoconfined into carbon aerogel scaffold impregnated with ZrCl4 for reversible hydrogen storage. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2016. vol. 169, 136-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.11.040}}