@misc{breitbach_a_common_2016, author={Breitbach, G.,Petersen, W.,Reinke, S.,Gorringe, P.,Novellino, A.}, title={A common European database for underway data from FerryBoxes}, year={2016}, howpublished = {journal article}, abstract = {Since the beginning of FerryBox activities in the Baltic Sea in the ‘80s and on an European,level with the FP5 project “FerryBox” (2003-2005) there has been a continous increasing of,FerryBox lines as well as ongoing activities on harmonization of operation. However, progress in,visibility and accessibility of FB data has been lacking even if there exists long-term FB data sets,in the Baltic and North Sea that would be of greatest interest for scientists and the general user of,marine data and information.}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Breitbach, G.; Petersen, W.; Reinke, S.; Gorringe, P.; Novellino, A.: A common European database for underway data from FerryBoxes. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata. 2016. vol. S 57, 151.}}