@misc{amherdhidalgo_fundamental_understanding_2016, author={Amherd Hidalgo, A., Ebel, T., Limberg, W., Pyczak, F., Carreno-Morelli, E., Frykholm, R., Brash, B.}, title={Fundamental Understanding of the Influence of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloys}, year={2016}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Hamburg (D);}, note = {Amherd Hidalgo, A.; Ebel, T.; Limberg, W.; Pyczak, F.; Carreno-Morelli, E.; Frykholm, R.; Brash, B.: Fundamental Understanding of the Influence of Oxygen on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloys. World PM 2016 Congress and Exhibition. Hamburg (D), 2016.}}