%0 journal article %@ 0935-9648 %A Neffe, A.T., Pierce, B.F., Tronci, G., Ma, N., Pittermann, E., Gebauer, T., Frank, O., Schossig, M., Xu, X., Willie, B.M., Forner, M., Ellinghaus, A., Lienau, J., Duda, G.N., Lendlein, A. %D 2015 %J Advanced Materials %N 10 %P 1738-1744 %R doi:10.1002/adma.201404787 %T One Step Creation of Multifunctional 3D Architectured Hydrogels Inducing Bone Regeneration %U https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201404787 10 %X Structured hydrogels showing form stability and elastic properties individually tailorable on different length scales are accessible in a one-step process. They support cell adhesion and differentiation and display growing pore size during degradation. In vivo experiments demonstrate their efficacy in biomaterial-induced bone regeneration, not requiring addition of cells or growth factors.