@misc{neffe_crosslinking_of_2014, author={Neffe, A.T.,Chua, K.,Luetzow, K.,Pierce, B.F.,Lendlein, A.,Abell, A.D.}, title={Crosslinking of gelatin by ring opening metathesis under aqueous conditions - An exploratory study}, year={2014}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/pat.3359}, abstract = {Ring-opening metathesis catalysis has received little attention as a means to functionalize or crosslink biopolymers in water since the required catalysts are usually not stable under these conditions. However, biopolymer solubility suggests such a procedure. We show that Grubbs first and second generation catalysts (in emulsion) as well as a water-soluble Hoveyda-Grubbs catalyst can be applied to crosslink glycidyl methacrylated gelatin with norbornene dicarboxylic acid in water by a cross metathesis-ring opening metathesis approach. A mechanistic study suggests that cross metathesis between the functionalized polymer and the cyclic olefin acts as an initiating step for the crosslinking reaction.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/pat.3359} (DOI). Neffe, A.; Chua, K.; Luetzow, K.; Pierce, B.; Lendlein, A.; Abell, A.: Crosslinking of gelatin by ring opening metathesis under aqueous conditions - An exploratory study. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2014. vol. 25, no. 11, 1371-1375. DOI: 10.1002/pat.3359}}