@misc{zillohu_plasmonmediated_embedding_2012, author={Zillohu, A.U.,Abdelaziz, R.,Keshavarz Hedayati, M.,Emmler, T.,Homaeigohar, S.,Elbahri, M.}, title={Plasmon-Mediated Embedding of Nanoparticles in a Polymer Matrix: Nanocomposites Patterning, Writing, and Defect Healing}, year={2012}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1021/jp3016358}, abstract = {Plasmonics, as an emerging field, aims to exploit the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures to enable routing and active manipulation of light on the nanoscale. Plasmonic heating is a phenomenon, which is recently recognized for its potential in photothermal therapy. Here we show the first proof-of-concept experiment based on plasmonic heating for selective and precise embedding of nanoparticles in a polymeric matrix. We demonstrate a unique way for in situ fabrication of nanocomposites in different forms including patterning, writing, and defect healing in a controlled manner along with crystallinity control through light irradiation.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1021/jp3016358} (DOI). Zillohu, A.; Abdelaziz, R.; Keshavarz Hedayati, M.; Emmler, T.; Homaeigohar, S.; Elbahri, M.: Plasmon-Mediated Embedding of Nanoparticles in a Polymer Matrix: Nanocomposites Patterning, Writing, and Defect Healing. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2012. vol. 116, no. 32, 17204-17209. DOI: 10.1021/jp3016358}}