%0 journal article %@ 0957-4484 %A Turkevych, I., Ryukhtin, V., Haramus, V., Kato, S., Takamasu, T., Kido, G., Kondo, M. %D 2012 %J Nanotechnology %N 32 %P 325606 %R doi:10.1088/0957-4484/23/32/325606 %T Studies of self-organization processes in nanoporous alumina membranes by small-angle neutron scattering %U https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/23/32/325606 32 %X We performed studies of the self-organization processes in nanoporous alumina membranes at initial and late stages of aluminum anodization by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). SEM observations indicated three stages in the self-organization of nanopores in alumina: (1) nucleation of random nanopores with a broad radius distribution, (2) narrowing the radius distribution and (3) slow evolution of the nanoporous structure towards ordering of nanopores into large domains. SANS studies revealed orientational correlation between ordered domains of nanopores, which is characterized by a small misorientation angle. For the samples with high aspect ratios of nanopores, the SANS patterns showed azimuthal smearing, which was attributed to the redistribution of nanopores between the domains during their growth.