%0 journal article %@ 0096-3941 %A Storch, H.v., Zwiers, F. %D 2012 %J Eos - Transactions %N 23 %P 220 %R doi:10.1029/2012EO230009 %T Strategies to deliver information on regional climate changes to communities %U https://doi.org/10.1029/2012EO230009 23 %X Recognizing that adaptation to both current and projected climate variability and change is best undertaken locally and regionally, a recent workshop was convened to analyze how regional climate services are delivered. Regional climate service organizations facilitate efficient adaptation by interacting with local and regional stakeholders. Regional and local contextualization of observed and projected climate change is an important issue in large federally organized countries like Canada and Germany (as opposed to centralized countries). Exchanging knowledge and knowledge needs on changing climate regimes takes place in societal context within which scientific knowledge is challenged by various interest- led knowledge claims about climate change and its societal significance.