@misc{dyadkin_spin_chirality_2011, author={Dyadkin, V.A., Grigoriev, S.V., Menzel, D., Moskvin, E.V., Maleyev, S.V., Eckerlebe, H.}, title={Spin chirality of polycrystalline MnSi, or, difficult way from rumours to the solid ground}, year={2011}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2010.11.023}, abstract = {Six different polycrystalline samples of MnSi were produced as a rapidly frozen melt after the single crystal growth in the Czochralski process. With the help of small-angle scattering of polarized neutrons we show that the magnetic spin chirality being scanned along the sample length oscillates strongly on a scale of 2–3 mm, revealing the volumes of the samples with high degree of an enantiomeric excess. The average chirality of the samples deviates from zero value.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2010.11.023} (DOI). Dyadkin, V.; Grigoriev, S.; Menzel, D.; Moskvin, E.; Maleyev, S.; Eckerlebe, H.: Spin chirality of polycrystalline MnSi, or, difficult way from rumours to the solid ground. Physica B. 2011. vol. 406, no. 12, 2385-2388. DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2010.11.023}}