@misc{bruns_from_statecentred_2009, author={Bruns, A., Gee, K.}, title={From State-Centred Decision-Making to Participatory Governance – Planning for Offshore Wind Farms and Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Northern Germany}, year={2009}, howpublished = {journal article}, abstract = {We find that the process of issuing planning permission for offshore wind farms is still largely hierarchical and fails to link up to more comprehensive forms of sea use planning. In contrast, the process of implementing the WFD leads to comprehensive, strategic, and participatory River Basin Management (RBM) in Schleswig-Holstein. The case studies represent distinctive modes of governance that exist at the same time in the same place.}, note = {Bruns, A.; Gee, K.: From State-Centred Decision-Making to Participatory Governance – Planning for Offshore Wind Farms and Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Northern Germany. Gaia. 2009. vol. 18, no. 2, 150-157.}}