@misc{wright_anthropogenic_noise_2007, author={Wright, A., Aguilar Soto, N., Baldwin, A.L., Bateson, M., Beale, C.M., Clark, C., Deak, T., Edwards, E.F., Fernansez Rodrigues, A., Godinho, A., Hatch, L., Kakuschke, A., Lusseau, D., Martineau, D., Romero, L.M., Weilgart, L., Wintle, B., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Martin, V.}, title={Anthropogenic Noise as a Stressor in Animals: A Multidisciplinary Perspective}, year={2007}, howpublished = {journal article}, abstract = {managing the impacts of noise on free-ranging animals.}, note = {Wright, A.; Aguilar Soto, N.; Baldwin, A.; Bateson, M.; Beale, C.; Clark, C.; Deak, T.; Edwards, E.; Fernansez Rodrigues, A.; Godinho, A.; Hatch, L.; Kakuschke, A.; Lusseau, D.; Martineau, D.; Romero, L.; Weilgart, L.; Wintle, B.; Notarbartolo di Sciara, G.; Martin, V.: Anthropogenic Noise as a Stressor in Animals: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 2007. vol. 20, 250-273.}}