@misc{steffen_a_synthesis_2008, author={Steffen, A., Douglas, T., Amyot, M., Ariya, P., Aspmo, K., Berg, T., Bottenheim, J., Brooks, S., Cobett, F., Dastoor, A., Dommergue, A., Ebinghaus, R., Ferrari, C., Gardfeldt, K., Goodsite, M.E., Lean, D., Poulain, A.J., Scherz, C., Skov, H., Sommar, J., Temme, C.}, title={A synthesis of atmospheric mercury depletion event chemistry in the atmosphere and snow}, year={2008}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-8-1445-2008}, abstract = {throughout the Arctic, sub-Artic and Antarctic coasts.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-8-1445-2008} (DOI). Steffen, A.; Douglas, T.; Amyot, M.; Ariya, P.; Aspmo, K.; Berg, T.; Bottenheim, J.; Brooks, S.; Cobett, F.; Dastoor, A.; Dommergue, A.; Ebinghaus, R.; Ferrari, C.; Gardfeldt, K.; Goodsite, M.; Lean, D.; Poulain, A.; Scherz, C.; Skov, H.; Sommar, J.; Temme, C.: A synthesis of atmospheric mercury depletion event chemistry in the atmosphere and snow. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2008. vol. 8, no. 6, 1445-1482. DOI: 10.5194/acp-8-1445-2008}}