@misc{garbe_stress_and_2007, author={Garbe, U., Hofmann, M., Brokmeier, H.-G.}, title={Stress and Local Texture Measurements at the Materials Science Diffractometer Stress-Spec at FRM-II}, year={2007}, howpublished = {journal article}, abstract = {In response to the development of new materials and the application of materials and components in new technologies the direct measurement, calculation and evaluation of textures and residual stresses has gained worldwide significance in recent years. Nondestructive analysis for phase specific residual stresses and textures is only possible by means of diffraction methods. The determination of the local variation of texture for example by inhomogeneous deformation is very important, due to the coherence between the texture and the physical and mechanical properties of materials. The materials science diffractometer STRESS-SPEC which is dedicated to investigate small gauge volumes for stress analyses could also be used for local texture measurements with nearly the same setup.}, note = {Garbe, U.; Hofmann, M.; Brokmeier, H.: Stress and Local Texture Measurements at the Materials Science Diffractometer Stress-Spec at FRM-II. Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie: Supplement issue. 2007. vol. S 26, 171-176.}}