@misc{entrialgo_an_atomistic_2007, author={Entrialgo, M.,Lendlein, A.,Hofmann, D.}, title={An Atomistic and Quantum Mechanical Approach to the Hydrolytic Degradation of Polyesters}, year={2007}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Kusadasi (TR); 02.-04.10.2007}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Entrialgo, M.; Lendlein, A.; Hofmann, D.: An Atomistic and Quantum Mechanical Approach to the Hydrolytic Degradation of Polyesters. Molecular Basis, Production and Applications of Biopolymers in Biotechnology, Biomedicine and Nanobiomaterials, 4th European Symposium on Biopolymers, ESBP 07. Kusadasi (TR), 2007.}}