@misc{boschettidefierro_morphology_and_2007, author={Boschetti de Fierro, A., Spindler, L., Olmos, D., Abetz, V., Reiter, G., Magonov, S., Mueller, A.}, title={Morphology and Crystallization Kinetics of Triblock terpolymers with one or two crystallizable blocks}, year={2007}, howpublished = {conference lecture (invited): Bad Staffelstein (D);}, note = {Boschetti de Fierro, A.; Spindler, L.; Olmos, D.; Abetz, V.; Reiter, G.; Magonov, S.; Mueller, A.: Morphology and Crystallization Kinetics of Triblock terpolymers with one or two crystallizable blocks. International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, IP 2007, Kloster Banz. Bad Staffelstein (D), 2007.}}