@misc{dornheim_reaction_kinetics_2006, author={Dornheim, M.,Barkhordarian, G.,Eigen, N.,Boesenberg, U.,Borgschulte, A.,Klassen, T.,Bormann, R.}, title={Reaction Kinetics of Doped Light Weight Hydrides and Reactive Hydride Composites}, year={2006}, howpublished = {conference lecture (invited): Maui Island, Lahaina, HI (USA); 01.-06.10.2006}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Dornheim, M.; Barkhordarian, G.; Eigen, N.; Boesenberg, U.; Borgschulte, A.; Klassen, T.; Bormann, R.: Reaction Kinetics of Doped Light Weight Hydrides and Reactive Hydride Composites. International Symposium of Metal-Hydrogen Systems. Maui Island, Lahaina, HI (USA), 2006.}}