%0 journal article %@ 0142-9612 %A Prymak, O., Bogdanski, D., Koeller, M., Esenwein, S.A., Muhr, G., Beckmann, F., Donath, T., Assad, M., Epple, M. %D 2005 %J Biomaterials %N 29 %P 5801-5807 %R doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2005.02.029 %T Morphological characterization and in vitro biocompatibility of a porous nickel–titanium alloy %U https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2005.02.029 29 %X PBMC only in the range ofthe lower detection limit in all cell cultures. The material, clearly macroporous with an interconnecting porosity, consists ofNiTi (martensite; monoclinic, and austenite; cubic) with small impurities ofNiTi 2 and possibly NiCx. The material is not superelastic upon manual compression and shows a good biocompatibility.