@misc{liss_precipitation_recovery_2005, author={Liss, K.-D., Bystrzanowski, S., Stark, A., Bartels, A., Buslaps, T., Schimansky, F.-P., Gerling, R., Schreyer, A., Clemens, H.}, title={Precipitation, recovery, phase transition and recrystallization processes of massively transformed TiAl scrutinized by ex- an in-situ high energy x-rax diffraction}, year={2005}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Marysville (AUS);}, note = {Liss, K.; Bystrzanowski, S.; Stark, A.; Bartels, A.; Buslaps, T.; Schimansky, F.; Gerling, R.; Schreyer, A.; Clemens, H.: Precipitation, recovery, phase transition and recrystallization processes of massively transformed TiAl scrutinized by ex- an in-situ high energy x-rax diffraction. Crystal 24, 24th Biennial Conference of the Society of Chrystallographers in Austalia and New Zealand. Marysville (AUS), 2005.}}