@misc{wandinger_airmass_modification_2004, author={Wandinger, U., Mattis, I., Tesche, M., Ansmann, A., Boesenberg, J., Chaikowski, A., Freudenthaler, V., Komguem, L., Matthias, V., Pelon, J., Sauvage, L., Sobolewski, P., Vaughan, G., Wiegner, M.}, title={Air-mass modification over Europe: EARLINET aerosol observations from Wales to Belarus}, year={2004}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JD005142}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JD005142} (DOI). Wandinger, U.; Mattis, I.; Tesche, M.; Ansmann, A.; Boesenberg, J.; Chaikowski, A.; Freudenthaler, V.; Komguem, L.; Matthias, V.; Pelon, J.; Sauvage, L.; Sobolewski, P.; Vaughan, G.; Wiegner, M.: Air-mass modification over Europe: EARLINET aerosol observations from Wales to Belarus. Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres. 2004. vol. 109, no. D 24, D24205. DOI: 10.1029/2004JD005142}}