@misc{willumeit_the_membrane_2004, author={Willumeit, R., Kumpugdee, M., Linser, S., Funari, S.S., Andrae, J., Hauss, T., Jelinek, R.}, title={The Membrane Destruction Mechanism of the Peptide Antibiotic NK-2: A Structural Explanation}, year={2004}, howpublished = {conference poster: Hamburg (D);}, note = {Willumeit, R.; Kumpugdee, M.; Linser, S.; Funari, S.; Andrae, J.; Hauss, T.; Jelinek, R.: The Membrane Destruction Mechanism of the Peptide Antibiotic NK-2: A Structural Explanation. In: Structural Biology at Crossroads: From Biological Molecules to Biological Systems. Hamburg (D). 2004.}}