@misc{zinke_evidence_for_2004, author={Zinke, J., Storch, H.v., Mueller, B., Zorita, E., Rein, B., Mieding, B., Miller, H., Luecke, A., Schleser, G.H., Schwab, M.J., Negendank, J.F.W., Kienel, U., Gonzalez-Rouco, J.F., Dullo, C., Eisenhauer, A.}, title={Evidence for the climate during the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data and model simulations available within KIHZ}, year={2004}, howpublished = {book part}, note = {Zinke, J.; Storch, H.; Mueller, B.; Zorita, E.; Rein, B.; Mieding, B.; Miller, H.; Luecke, A.; Schleser, G.; Schwab, M.; Negendank, J.; Kienel, U.; Gonzalez-Rouco, J.; Dullo, C.; Eisenhauer, A.: Evidence for the climate during the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data and model simulations available within KIHZ. In: Fischer, H.; Kumke, T.; Lohmann, G.; Floeser, G.; Miller, H.; Storch, H.; Negendank, J. (Ed.): The Climate in Histrocal Times. Towards a synthesis of Holocene proxy data and climate models. Berlin: Springer. 2004. 397-414.}}