@misc{beschliesser_microstructural_changes_2002, author={Beschliesser, M., Appel, F., Kestler, H., Clemens, H.}, title={Microstructural Changes of a Gamma-TiAl Based Alloy with a Fully Lamellar Microstructure Due to Annealing at Elevated Temperatures}, year={2002}, howpublished = {conference poster: Boston, MA (USA);}, note = {Beschliesser, M.; Appel, F.; Kestler, H.; Clemens, H.: Microstructural Changes of a Gamma-TiAl Based Alloy with a Fully Lamellar Microstructure Due to Annealing at Elevated Temperatures. In: Defect Properties and Related Phenomena in Intermetallic Alloys, Symposium BB 5.3. Boston, MA (USA). 2002.}}