@misc{arzel_lowt_ferroelectricity_2002, author={Arzel, L., Hehlen, B., Tagantsev, A.K., Denoyer, F., Liss, K.-D., Currat, R., Courtens, E.}, title={Low-T ferroelectricity in antiphase domain boundaries of SrTiO3}, year={2002}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Arzel, L.; Hehlen, B.; Tagantsev, A.; Denoyer, F.; Liss, K.; Currat, R.; Courtens, E.: Low-T ferroelectricity in antiphase domain boundaries of SrTiO3. Ferroelectrics. 2002. vol. 267, 317-322.}}