@misc{bolmaro_residual_strains_1998, author={Bolmaro, R.E., Fourty, A., Signorelli, J.A., Bittorf, C., Priesmeyer, H.-G., Brokmeier, H.-G.}, title={Residual strains in Al-Mg composites deformed by extrusion. Experimental data and simulations}, year={1998}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Budapest (H);}, note = {Bolmaro, R.; Fourty, A.; Signorelli, J.; Bittorf, C.; Priesmeyer, H.; Brokmeier, H.: Residual strains in Al-Mg composites deformed by extrusion. Experimental data and simulations. European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC 6. Budapest (H), 1998.}}