@misc{qi_a_feanalysis_1999, author={Qi, W.,Brocks, W.,Bertram, A.}, title={A FE-Analysis of Anisotropic Creep Damage and Deformation in the Single Crystal SRR99 under Multiaxial Loads}, year={1999}, howpublished = {conference poster: Berlin (D); 04.-05.10.1999}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Qi, W.; Brocks, W.; Bertram, A.: A FE-Analysis of Anisotropic Creep Damage and Deformation in the Single Crystal SRR99 under Multiaxial Loads. In: 9th International Workshop, Computational Mechanics and Computer Aided Design of Materials (IWCMM9), P 15. Berlin (D). 1999. P 15.}}