@misc{giorgi_emerging_patterns_2001, author={Giorgi, F., Whetton, P.H., Jones, R.G., Christensen, J.H., Mearns, L.O., Hewitson, B., Storch, H.v., Francisco, R., Jack, C.}, title={Emerging patterns of simulated regional climatic changes for the 21th century due to anthropogenic forcings}, year={2001}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Giorgi, F.; Whetton, P.; Jones, R.; Christensen, J.; Mearns, L.; Hewitson, B.; Storch, H.; Francisco, R.; Jack, C.: Emerging patterns of simulated regional climatic changes for the 21th century due to anthropogenic forcings. Geophysical Research Letters. 2001. vol. 28, no. 17, 3317-3320.}}