@misc{zerbst_the_fracture_2002, author={Zerbst, U., Primas, R., Schindler, H.-J., Heerens, J., Schwalbe, K.-H.}, title={The fracture behaviour of a welded tubular joint - An ESIS TC1-3 round robin on failure assessment methods. Part IV: Application of the ETM 97/1}, year={2002}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Zerbst, U.; Primas, R.; Schindler, H.; Heerens, J.; Schwalbe, K.: The fracture behaviour of a welded tubular joint - An ESIS TC1-3 round robin on failure assessment methods. Part IV: Application of the ETM 97/1. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2002. vol. 69, 1129-1148.}}