@misc{eschenbach_comparison_of_2000, author={Eschenbach, A.,Hoehne, J.,Luther, G.,Niemeyer, B.}, title={Comparison of newly developed techniques for separation PAH and metall-organic compounds (e.g.TBT) from soils and sludges}, year={2000}, howpublished = {conference poster: Leipzig (D); 18.-22.09.2000}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Eschenbach, A.; Hoehne, J.; Luther, G.; Niemeyer, B.: Comparison of newly developed techniques for separation PAH and metall-organic compounds (e.g.TBT) from soils and sludges. In: Contaminated Soil - 7th International FZK / TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil. Leipzig (D). 2000. 1144-1145.}}