@misc{kocak_comparison_of_1990, author={Kocak, M., Seifert, K., Yao, S., Lampe, H.}, title={Comparison of fatigue precracking methods for fracture toughness testing of weldments: local compression and step-wise high R-Ratio}, year={1990}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Geesthacht (D);}, note = {Kocak, M.; Seifert, K.; Yao, S.; Lampe, H.: Comparison of fatigue precracking methods for fracture toughness testing of weldments: local compression and step-wise high R-Ratio. In: Kocak, M. (Ed.): Proceedings of the International Conference WELDING-90: Technology, Material, Fracture. Geesthacht (D). 1990. 307-318.}}