@misc{thomas_an_instrument_1994, author={Thomas, J., Stuhrmann, S., Trame, C., Huetsch, M., Dauvergne, F., Doose, R., Gabriel, A., Marmotti, M., Sayers, Z., Schulze, U., Lehmann, M. S., Stuhrmann, H. B.}, title={An instrument for protein crystallography with soft X-rays}, year={1994}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Thomas, J.; Stuhrmann, S.; Trame, C.; Huetsch, M.; Dauvergne, F.; Doose, R.; Gabriel, A.; Marmotti, M.; Sayers, Z.; Schulze, U.; Lehmann, M.; Stuhrmann, H.: An instrument for protein crystallography with soft X-rays. Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie: Supplement. 1994. no. 8, 71.}}