@misc{becker_mesoscale_structures_1999, author={Becker, G.A., Giese, H., Isert, K., Koenig, P., Langenberg, H., Pohlmann, T., Schrum, C.}, title={Mesoscale structures, fluxes and the water mass variability of the German Bight as exemplified in the KUSTOS-experiments and numerical models}, year={1999}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Becker, G.; Giese, H.; Isert, K.; Koenig, P.; Langenberg, H.; Pohlmann, T.; Schrum, C.: Mesoscale structures, fluxes and the water mass variability of the German Bight as exemplified in the KUSTOS-experiments and numerical models. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift / German Journal of Hydrography. 1999. vol. 51, no. 2-3, 155-180.}}