%0 doctoral thesis %@ %A Dreistadt, D.M. %D 2023 %J %N %P %T Material- und Systementwicklung für die Integration von Metallhydrid basierten Wasserstoffspeichern in Gas-to-Power Systeme %U %X For the use of renewable energy sources in modern energy supply systems, hydrogen as an energy carrier is a potentially important energy storage medium. Metal hydrides, among others, are suitable for storing this hydrogen in turn. In the frame of this work, the focus is on the system integration of metal hydrides into hydrogen-based Gas-to-Power (GtoP)-Systems based on powdered titanium-iron-manganese (TiFeMn)-alloys. For this, a hydrogen-based GtoP-experimental setup with an integrated 1,6 𝑘𝑊 PEM fuel cell was developed, built and tested. To supply the fuel cell with hydrogen, storage tanks filled with TiFeMn-hydride powder are used. The performed experiments have shown that the power supply is possible even under strong fluctuations in energy consumption and for a typical energy consumption of a household. In order to develop a suitable TiFeMn-alloy as a hydrogen storage mate-rial for this experimental setup, the effect of the percentages of the alloy components on the thermo-dynamic properties and hydrogen storage properties is studied. It is demonstrated that important properties such as the hydrogen storage capacity and the equilibrium pressure of the hydride can be influenced by the choice of these percentages, which means that TiFeMn-alloys could be adapted for the technical task. In order for the developed alloy to be able to store hydrogen, it must be activated. For this reason, a second focus of this work is the development and investigation of a suitable activa-tion method for TiFeMn-powder with low technical effort. The developed method allowed the TiFeMn-powder of the GtoP setup to be activated at low temperatures directly in the storage tanks. In addition, the influence of the activation on the hydride powder was investigated. The GtoP setup was also digi-tally implemented and simulated as a gas network by a simulation model. The obtained simulation results showed good agreement with the measured data. The developed simulation model can be used as an effective tool to design and optimize hydrogen-based GtoP systems with integrated metal hy-dride storage.