%0 online contribution %@ %A Konchakova, N.,Klein, P.,Lidorikis, E.,Laskarakis, A.,Cavalcanti, W.,Friis, J. %D 2022 %J Zenodo %N %P %R doi:10.5281/zenodo.5848552 %T Position Paper: Open Innovation in Horizon Europe %U https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5848552 %X This position paper summarizes the ideas of the three Horizon 2020 projects VIPCOAT, MUSICODE and OpenModel, running under call DT-NMBP-11-2020, on how to extend the concept of Open Innovation under the Horizon Europe framework program into Open Innovation Frameworks, compliant with the European Open Science Cloud initiatives and the European headline ambitions published by the European Commission.