%0 journal article %@ 0094-8276 %A Bjørnestad, M.,Buckley, M.,Kalisch, H.,Streßer, M.,Horstmann, J.,Frøysa, H.G.,Ige, O.E.,Cysewski, M.,Carrasco-Alvarez, R. %D 2021 %J Geophysical Research Letters %N 21 %P e2021GL095722 %R doi:10.1029/2021GL095722 %T Lagrangian Measurements of Orbital Velocities in the Surf Zone %U https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095722 21 %X Eulerian and Lagrangian measurements of orbital velocities in waves approaching a beach are analyzed with the goal of understanding the relative influence of wave-by-wave variations in mean-water level, wave height and incipient wave breaking on mass transport properties of waves in the surf zone. It is shown quantitatively that elevated local mean-water level correlates positively with increased Lagrangian mass transport at the free surface. Eulerian ADV measurements in the fluid column suggest that the depth-integrated wave-by-wave mass transport also correlates positively with the local mean-water level, and is only weakly linked to wave height and wave-breaking events.