%0 journal article %@ 0021-8898 %A Karge, L.,Gilles, R.,Busch, S. %D 2017 %J Journal of Applied Crystallography %N 5 %P 1382-1394 %R doi:10.1107/S1600576717011463 %T Calibrating SANS data for instrument geometry and pixel sensitivity effects: Access to an extended Q range %U https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576717011463 5 %X An improved data-reduction procedure is proposed and demonstrated for small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements. Its main feature is the correction of geometry- and wavelength-dependent intensity variations on the detector in a separate step from the different pixel sensitivities: the geometric and wavelength effects can be corrected analytically, while pixel sensitivities have to be calibrated to a reference measurement. The geometric effects are treated for position-sensitive 3He proportional counter tubes, where they are anisotropic owing to the cylindrical geometry of the gas tubes. For the calibration of pixel sensitivities, a procedure is developed that is valid for isotropic and anisotropic signals. The proposed procedure can save a significant amount of beamtime which has hitherto been used for calibration measurements.